Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Cinder review

Cinder - Marrisa Meyer

This book is the first in a series of fairy tale retellings. It follows Cinder, a teenage girl, who just happens to be a Cyborg, on a journey of a horrible home life, a terrible disease that is dreading across Earth, and the worry that some day the prince will discover who and what she actually is. The problem with that is that she doesn't even know herself, but she soon will, and then nothing will be the same.

I absolutely adored this book. It took me a whole day to formulate my thoughts into a coherent enough state to actually do this review, but I think I might be ready now.

I'll start with my one bad thought, but I shall have to keep it vague to avoid spoilers, so I apologise for that. It was just the whole thing with who she really was, I feel it was a bit too obvious for all the reaction it got. And that's it. The solo problem.

Now to the good stuff. I got so drawn into this story, this world, that when I actually had the time to sit and read I flew right through it. I adored he world building, the characters felt so relatable, and it was so completely different to anything I ever expected from this book. And of course, I feel it needs a mention, how gorgeous is the cover? I could (and in fact have) wasted so much time looking into it's beautiful face. I am so ready to dive right into Scarlet, which I thankfully have sat right next to me.

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